
William E. Lloyd; Pasadena Area Civic Leader and Educator

William E. Lloyd, 87, a Pasadena area civic leader, educator and publications manager for Cal State Los Angeles. Lloyd taught administration, developed information services for news media and edited campus publications at Cal State L.A. from 1959 until his retirement in 1977. Educated at the University of Virginia, Lloyd was a high school teacher and coach and a newspaper reporter and editor in Virginia before serving as a Navy communications officer toward the end of World War II. He later was the first community relations director of the Richmond, Va., public schools, and was a publications writer and editor for the American Assn. of School Administrators in Washington. After moving to South Pasadena, Lloyd was a manager and coach in South Pasadena Little League, and was active in the Pasadena City College Community Education Advisory Board, the Pasadena Headstart Council, Friends of the South Pasadena Library, the Red Cross and St. James Episcopal Church. On Saturday in South Pasadena of lung cancer.
