
Starr’s Investigation of Clinton’s Conduct

The time has come to call a halt to [independent counsel] Kenneth Starr’s investigation, have him prepare and submit his report and let the American people see for themselves what facts he has uncovered as to President Clinton’s conduct. We will then decide whether or not Starr should continue.

Enough of the perception that he is persecuting the Clintons, as it is becoming increasingly clear that by national consensus he cannot be fair and impartial. If only for the fact that he was peripherally involved in the Paula Jones case in offering to write an amicus brief early on, he should have recused himself. And just what is his relationship to the literary agent Lucianne Goldberg, Linda Tripp and the Rutherford Institute funding the Jones case? I have far more questions about his conduct than that of President Clinton. Enough is enough.


Los Angeles


I was just wondering how many reporters, attorneys, investigators and Clinton bashers involved in President Clinton’s alleged peccadillo live in glass houses. Starr has made America the laughingstock of the world.



La Puente


In 1992 it was the press that conspired to derail the candidacy of Clinton. Then it was Republicans that schemed to paralyze a president only wishing to do the people’s work.

Next it was the sinister agenda of Starr, whose aim was to destroy this president. And now the first lady informs us that it is the “right wing” that wishes to bring down her husband.

I believe this president has a variety of personal problems which he needs to address. To those I would add a persecution complex I haven’t seen since the presidency of Richard Nixon.



Los Angeles


Re Michael Ramirez’s Jan. 29 cartoon: It is in bad taste. Why do you hire a Hillary hater? She has performed with class. Has your paper become another right-wing rag? Shall we refer to you as Enquirer/Star West?


Newport Beach


The very fact that Clinton’s job approval rating was polled at 68% following the State of the Union address is proof positive of the damage he has done this country. He has succeeded in converting the greatest people on the planet into cynical, amoral fools willing to excuse grotesque violations of law and common decency. This fact has not escaped the attention of our enemies.

In time, the American people will recover and become even stronger for the experience. However, this recovery can only begin when Clinton is removed from office.





When I see the kind of news dominating TV and the front pages, I am reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt’s astute observation about human nature: “It is curious how much more interest can be evoked by a mixture of gossip, romance and mystery than by facts.”


Thousand Oaks
