
Girls Hit in Police Pursuit

Re “When Police Pursuits Cost Too Much,” Dec. 14: Please tell Shawn Hubler that the only times politicians ride horseback in San Diego County are when they’re in parades. Also tell her that the California Highway Patrol officer slowed when he found himself in the vicinity of the school. And remind her that it was the errant driver, not the officer, who hit the girls, injuring them, one fatally.

Police chases are great grist for columns, but this time, as often, the blame is not with the CHP.


San Diego


Again we see law enforcement result in the injury and subsequent deaths of innocent persons. This time it’s two 9-year-old girls hit by a motorist being pursued through a residential area for a traffic violation. As with the many others, it will most likely be investigated by the California Highway Patrol and reported as a tragic accident resulting from a chase being conducted “within policy.” But it’s time for that policy to be changed. Law enforcement agencies throughout the state need to join others throughout the country that do not permit vehicle pursuits above the speed limit, except in pursuit of fleeing felons.


It’s time to get rid of that cowboy mentality in California, as the end hardly justifies the means. Our police need to become peace officers, enforcing the peace, rather than the law in order to enrich the coffers of their government.

I am a former New Jersey police officer.


Los Angeles
