
Attack on Nuns in India

“Christians Under Fire in India” (Nov. 12) draws an incorrect conclusion from isolated incidents and statements that do not do justice to India, known for centuries for its tradition of cultural assimilation and religious tolerance. The deplorable incident of the rape of nuns in Madhya Pradesh has been condemned at all levels of Indian society.

The attacks had a criminal, and not communal, motive. The concerned authorities have established the involvement of 24 persons, of whom 12 are Christians. Of the 19 arrested, eight are Christians. The same goes for other such incidents. Criminal elements--which exist in every society--have used religion for promoting their economic interests. All such cases are being followed up through legal channels.

We would be playing into the hands of these criminals and retrograde elements in society if we were to conclude that these incidents go against the ethos of religious tolerance in India. The Christian community in India numbers over 25 million today. Christians have made a tremendous contribution to the evolution of India’s composite culture. Throughout world history one comes across inter-religious strife, but this has not in any way detracted from the eternal message of love and goodwill toward all which is the cardinal element in all religions.



Consulate General of India

San Francisco
