Apt. 3-G Update for the Week of Dec. 6-12
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Margo and Lu Ann head over to Blaze’s new apartment with a housewarming gift: a massive potted plant.
“Isn’t it wonderful Blaze has a place to live?” Lu Ann asks.
“Incredible. It’s been my dream for the past few months,” Margo says.
“Margo, thanks for being as patient as you’ve been about my cousin living with us,” says Lu Ann.
“I like Blaze, but the truth is living with him was a trial. I’m glad it’s over!”
As they lug the plant through the streets, they notice that Blaze’s new neighborhood is, shall we say, a little rough around the edges.
“Do you think anyone around here would mug him for his Brooks Brothers suit?” Margo asks in her very Margo way.
They arrive at the building and notice that it has no buzzer.
“I guess we’ll have to shout until he hears us,” Lu Ann says before yelling, “Blaze! Blaze!”
“If the Fire Department shows up, I’m out of here!” Margo thinks.
Blaze hears Lu Ann and tosses down his keys in a sock. Up four floors they walk with the plant.
“What possessed you to buy this monster plant, Lu Ann? . . . Next time buy a bonsai,” Margo says.
Once there, Blaze offers to give them a tour. The place is teeny tiny.
Proudly, he shows off his room. “This isn’t a bedroom, Blaze,” Lu Ann says, “it’s a closet.”