
Resource Guide

Apprenticeship Preparation Classes

Sponsored by the Los Angeles Unified School District.


* Preparation of trainees so they can meet apprenticeship entry requirements in a variety of trades, including sheet metal, plumbing, steam fitting, painting and drywall, electrical, sprinkler fitting, carpentry, air conditioning and refrigeration

* Information on selection processes of various union apprenticeship programs

* Instruction and review in math, reading and mechanical aptitude.

* Focus on minorities and women, but open to all qualified applicants


* 18 years or older

* Valid California driver’s license

* Ability to provide own transportation

Enrollment: Program features open enrollment and operates on a year-round basis; classes form every 10 weeks.

Cost: $5 fee for student identification card

Hours: Classes offered 8 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Mon.-Fri.


* African-American Unity Center, 944 W. 53rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90037, (213) 789-5656

* East Los Angeles Skills Center, 3921 Selig Place, Los Angeles, CA 90031, (213) 227-0018

* Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center, 10925 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90059, (213) 564-1431


Brady JobNet

Serves primarily lower-income individuals and families in East Los Angeles and surrounding areas, but all persons are welcome.


* One-day employment readiness seminar in English and Spanish

* One-week intensive training in janitorial services

* Job-search mentoring

* Help with resumes

* Interview practice

* Referrals to employers

* Placement and follow-ups

Cost: Free to participants and employers

Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 717 S. Brady Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90022

Telephone: (213) 722-4495

Career Encores

Referral service for people 50 and older. Serves only Los Angeles County, networking with 50 other agencies countywide.


* Information on job training

* Job listings for employers and job seekers

* Job search assistance

Job clubs:

* 6180 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Suite 165, North Hollywood, CA 91606

* 3700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90010

Orientation at 10 a.m. Fridays. Call before visit.

Cost: Free to eligible applicants and employers

Hotline hours: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Telephone hotlines:

* Los Angeles County only: (800) 833-6267

* Outside Los Angeles County: (213) 427-6600 Ext. 129

Career Planning Center

Private, nonprofit, community-based organization one-stop services.


* Skills and resume assessments, counseling, and teaching of job-search skills

* Outplacement services to employers, including on-site workshops

* On-the-job training, funded by the federal Job Training Partnership Act, for eligible applicants


* Job resource center with reference library and job listings (at the coporate location only)

Costs: Use of job resource center, library and job listings is free; fees vary for skills and resume assessments, and career counseling.

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.


* Corporate location, 1623 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035

* Marina Del Rey/Mar Vista One-Stop, 13160 Mindanao Way Suite 240, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292,


Telephone: (310) 273-6633 for appointment

Chicana Service

Action Center

Job Training Partnership Act-funded job-training and placement services for low-income people. Men and women of all nationalities may apply.


* Job training and placement

* Job-Links program offering training to become electrician, plumber, steam fitter, sheet metal or carpet worker. The 10-week program offers on-the-job training paying $4.25 per hour to eligible participants beginning with the third week of the program.

* GED classes

* Transportation


* The following documents are required of applicants: I.D. or driver’s license; Social Security, birth certificate, proof of residency or work permit; proof of income (from public assistance or employer); address verification; selective service registration (required only of men between 18 and 28 years of age)

* Job Links program requires high school diploma or GED.

* Must meet low-income requirements based on family size

Cost: Free to qualified applicants

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 134 E. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012

Telephone: (213) 253-5959

Goodwill Industries

of Southern California

Nonprofit organization helps people with barriers to employment (disabilities, social disadvantages) to reach vocational potentials. Clients may also include those with limited work skills, little or no work history, no permanent shelter, poor self-esteem and self-confidence, a history of substance abuse or incarceration.


* Work evaluation and work adjustment training

* Occupational skill training and placement, including on-the-job training. Skills training includes computer and clerical, truck and forklift, janitorial and food service.

* Job coaches

* Job club

* Career Evaluation Center offers specialized testing and vocational counseling for disabled and at-risk youth.


* Goodwill Temporary Services job placement service, 235 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 625-7194

* Career Resource Center provides job hunting resources freeto the public, (323) 224-6030

Eligibility: Applicants must meet certain requirements for some programs

Cost: Free

Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 342 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, CA 90031

Web site:

Telephone: (323) 223-1211

Job Starts

Nonprofit, privately funded organization assisting individuals and families in South-Central Los Angeles to achieve economic stability through work.


* Employment readiness workshops

* Job placements, including 90-day follow-ups

Cost: Free

Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 3010 W. 48th St., Los Angeles, CA 90043

Telephone: Call (323) 291-2812 for appointment

L.A. County Regional

Occupational Program

Students learn entry-level skills in a variety of occupations, including animal care, banking, nursing, food service, retail sales and electronics. Programs are offered in business, marketing, health, trade and industry, home economics and agriculture.


* Classroom instruction

* Paid and unpaid, on-the-job training

* Resume writing

* Job networking techniques

* Career counseling

Eligibility: Applicants must be at least age 16

Cost: Free to high school students; adults are asked to pay a $20 registration fee and a $20 materials fee (minimum)

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. (office hours; classes offered day and night)

Telephone: (562) 922-6850

Los Angeles Urban League

Seeks to secure social and economic opportunities for African Americans and other minorities through a variety of programs, including counseling, training, placement and community development.


* Employment Services Department assists job-ready applicants who are professional, skilled or semi-skilled and seeking employment or a career change. Applicants are served through counseling, workshops and a job bank.


* Ron Brown Information Technology Center offers courses in computer programming, computer operations and automated office procedures.

* Pomona Valley TEC conducts specialized vocational training in electronics, machine-tool technology, word processing and data entry. Displaced workers program.

* Milken Family Literacy & Youth Training Center provides instruction in reading, writing, math and problem solving to assist youth and their families in developing skills to compete for employment.

* Pasadena-Foothill branch offers career counseling and job placement.

* Automotive Training Center

* Ron Brown Business Development Center

* Independent living program

* HeadStart state pre-school

Cost: Free

Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Headquarters address: 3450 Mount Vernon Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90008; call for addresses of other locations

Web site:

Telephone: (323) 299-9660

LA Works

Career center providing job training and placement services.


* Orientation and assessment to qualify for JTPA assistance

* Career counseling

* Vocational training

* Job club

* Job placement

* Small business start-up programs

* Human resources and consulting services to businesses

* Community services ranging from home improvement and energy conservation to transportation for the elderly and physically disabled

* Online information centers

* Access to telephones, faxes, copiers and computers

Eligibility: Some programs have eligibility requirements.

Cost: Free to applicants who qualify for JTPA assistance; nominal fees for others

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 5200 Irwindale Ave., Irwindale, CA 91706

Web site:

Telephone: (626) 960-3964

Southern California

Regional Occupational


SCROC offers programs that support the transition from school to career and continuing education. Programs also provide opportunities to receive advanced career training or to upgrade technical job skills.



* Instruction in 70 different classes in six career clusters: agricultural; arts, media; business; consumer and family services; health sciences; industrial and technology

* Some classes offer career-related internships in local business and industry.

* Self-service job listings board

* Counseling available to high-school and adult students

* Career information

* Career interest and aptitude assessments

* Certificates of proficiency and achievement may be earned

Eligibility: Open to adults and junior and senior high-school students who are at least 16 years of age. High-school students must attend school in one of the following school districts: Centinela Valley, El Segundo, Inglewood, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach and Torrance.

Cost: Classes are free to high-school students; adults pay a minimum fee.

Hours: 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Mon. and Wed., 7 a.m.-10 p.m., Tue. and Thur.; 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Fri.; 7 a.m.-1 p.m., Sat.

Address: 2300 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance, CA 90501

Telephone: (310) 224-4200

Spotlight on Jobs

Offers unemployed professionals an opportunity for information technology training and placement assistance.


* Intensive eleven-week training curriculum

* Business communications and customer service skills

* Latest PC applications training

* Job search techniques

* Placement assistance by PDQ Personnel, Inc.

* Training in motivation, positive mental attitude and self-esteem

* Individual counseling

* Post-training certification

Costs: Free to employers and job seekers

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Telephone: (213) 368-1468

Women at Work

Nonprofit organization focusing on career concerns of women. Men are welcome.


* Drop-in resource room featuring a library and job listings

* Counseling, testing and resume writing

* Specially funded programs for single parents, displaced homemakers, Latina professionals with limited English and laid-off workers

* Evening workshops on career planning, resume writing, interview techniques, networking and job hunting after age 50


* Various computer classes * Basic office services

Costs: Drop-in resource room, suggested donation $2; counseling and resume writing, $60; occupational testing, including counseling, $120; evening workshops, range from free to $20; computer classes, $40; Internet $5 per hour

Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon., Tue. and Thur.; 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Wed.

Address: 50 N. Hill Ave., Suite 300, Pasadena, CA 91106

Telephone: (626) 796-6870

Women Helping

Women Services

A nonsectarian community service agency sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women, Los Angeles.


* Job-hunting support group

* Talkline (telephone counseling service; spring and fall training to become a volunteer counselor)

* Community referrals for networking and education

* Job postings

* Low-fee psychological counseling for job seekers

* Job board

* Women in transition support group

Cost: Low fees based on sliding scale and individual income; Talkline, free

Hours: Talkline, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., Mon.-Thur. and 6-8 p.m., Tue.-Thur.; 24-hour voicemail

Address: NCJW/LA Women’s Center, 543 N. Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90036

Telephone: (213) 655-3807
