
Developer Asked to Offer Units for Sale

Worried about creating a neighborhood with a high concentration of rental properties, the City Council has requested that the developer of a proposed 500-unit apartment development make some units available for purchase.

The directive came Tuesday night during a preliminary review of the Vintage, a planned complex of 496 to 512 apartments on 35 acres at Graves Avenue and Wankel Way in northeast Oxnard.

Another 500-unit apartment project is planned nearby.

“I have concerns with building additional apartments in Oxnard at this time,” Councilman John Zaragoza said. “I think we need to promote more home ownership.”


The developer, SIA Partners, pledged to review the issue in an effort to win city approval of the project.

The development has been extensively redesigned since coming before the council in January for a similar review.

City officials have sought to avoid what they view as a stereotypical apartment project involving an architecturally bland landscape dominated by carports that all but ignores the pedestrian.
