
Welsh Terrier Is a 2-Time Winner

In the end, there can only be one top dog.

This weekend, it was “Anasazi Billy the Kid,” a 5-year-old Welsh terrier owned by Bruce Schwartz of Los Angeles.

The terrier won the third annual Simi Valley Kennel Club dog shows at Cal State Northridge Saturday and Sunday. The canine was the choice of two panels of judges.

“It’s a wonderful dog,” said Bobbi Davis, show chairman of the Simi Valley affiliate of the American Kennel Club.


On Sunday, with the field soggy from rain, Anasazi bested a field of 1,046 purebred dogs en route to taking the best-in-show category.

On Saturday, Anasazi beat out 1,034 entries to capture top honors when rain drenched the Northridge campus field.

What makes Anasazi such a standout?

“He’s a good showman with a fine top line, excellent coat and good bone structure,” Davis said.


Davis also credited Anasazi’s handler, Bergit Coady of Sun Valley. “[Coady] did a wonderful job bringing out his best points,” she said.

The shows were conducted under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club, whose affiliates typically hold two dog shows a year on consecutive days, Davis said.

On both days, the field was narrowed to the winners in the best-in-breed category.

Those winners went on to compete in one of seven best-in-group categories: sporting dogs, hounds, herding dogs, toy dogs, terriers, nonsporting dogs, such as bulldogs and Dalmatians, and working dogs, such as great Danes.


The seven winners of best-in-group then competed in the final category, best-in-show, where the dogs were judged by how well they compared with a perfect dog of their breed.

Anasazi is “a typical terrier type with the right personality,” Davis said.
