
Mall Events to Raise Money for Schools

Fallbrook Mall will host three events this month, beginning today, to raise money for local schools.

The activities are designed to encourage children to go to school and keep them safe when they are not, while raising money for Los Angeles Unified School District campuses, organizers said.

The first event, KidsFest ‘97, will be held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. today, with entertainment and game booths located throughout the mall, at 6633 Fallbrook Ave. KidsFest will feature fee-based arts and craft booths for children, as well as booths with educational material, safety devices and services geared toward students.


Children and their parents also will be entertained with video screenings of the Sid and Marty Krofft shows of the 1970s, including “The Bugaloos,” “Land of the Lost” and “Sigmund & the Sea Monsters.”

On Sunday, the mall will hold a “Make It Safe” day, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., providing free photo identification and fingerprinting for children.

Representatives of the Los Angeles Fire Department will demonstrate the “Stop, Drop and Roll” fire safety procedure and provide tours of a firetruck.


Other safety organizations will be on hand to provide safety tips.

Parents will be able to participate in the mall’s “Cash Back for Schools” program from Oct. 15 through May 1998.

Shoppers may redeem mall sales receipts for points designated for one of several participating area schools: For every dollar spent at a mall shop, the school of choice will receive five points.

In May, the mall will distribute $20,000 to the schools.

The campus with the most points will receive $5,000, while the other schools will receive a portion of the remainder.
