
Program Begins to Give Safe Havens to Children

More than 150 parents and neighbors of a Downey elementary school have signed up for a pilot program designed to ensure the safety of children walking to and from school.

Safe Corridors, initiated by Assemblywoman Sally Havice (D-Cerritos), chairwoman of the Assembly Select Committee on School Safety, involves residents who volunteer to watch for any problems or dangerous situations involving youngsters.

A window sticker will be displayed in homes and businesses so that children can identify safe havens along their route should they feel frightened.


“This is a neighborhood watch program for children,” said Havice. “If a child falls from a bike and skins her knee or is being chased by a dog or is being accosted by a stranger, a safe haven neighbor can help.”

Interested parents can call (562) 809-0010 for more information.
