
School Choice for Poor Youth

Cal Thomas is correct (Column Right, Dec. 9): Every child, rich or poor, white or black, should be allowed to attend whatever school he or she chooses. For that to happen, however, the chosen school should not be allowed to close its door in the child’s face. The school should not be allowed to exclude a student merely because he needs remedial help or because she is not proficient in the English language. The school should be required to admit all applicants, even if there is no room.

Now, if Thomas wants my taxes to support all schools through vouchers or tax credits, those schools must be accountable not only to the parents of their students but also to me and other taxpayers. The school should meet certain curricular standards taught by teachers who meet the standards of education and training necessary to obtain teaching credentials. Certain subjects should be mandatory, and some non-educational services (e.g. health screenings) should be required. Of course, my taxes should not pay for any instruction in any religion except my own (or none at all).

Oops! I’ve just described a “school choice” program limited to public schools.


Oak Park


Thomas states, “The successful shun crime, drugs and sexual activity that leads to fatherless kids and single mothers.” Mr. Thomas, the successful don’t shun these things, they just don’t suffer the consequences of their actions like the poor do.


The successful shun crime? Tell it to Nixon and the Menendez brothers. Sexual activity? Tell it to Marv Albert and Dick Morris. Drugs? Well, let’s not belabor the obvious.


Long Beach
