
Air Ports in the Stress Storm

During the busy Thanksgiving weekend, passengers hurried frantically past Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport’s Gate 7 in terminal 2E, intent on making connections or meeting loved ones. But inside Benjamin Books & Cafe, the concession across from Gate 7, the environment was peaceful. Some travelers sipped tea and read as they sat at tables and chairs gathered around the bookshelves. Others browsed the aisles for hardcover and paperback offerings.

“Passengers love the concept,” said David Timm, who manages the store and cafe as well as another at a second location at Gate 7 in terminal 4E. The cafes offer herbal, decaf and iced teas. (There’s also coffee and espresso for those not as into relaxation.) Travelers are free to browse or linger at the tables as long as they wish.

The bookstore-and-tea approach is just one way airport managers and businesses are finding to help travelers relax and reduce the stress of travel, not just during this holiday travel crush but year-round. Among other options at some of the nation’s major airports:


Atlanta’s Hartsfield International Airport: The Book Corner on concourse C has a children’s reading section that is open 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport: Spa Nation offers short massages or more extensive ones at its two locations in the rotunda between terminal 2 and 3 and in terminal 1 on concourse B. A 10-minute neck, back and shoulder massage is $12.95. A 15-minute massage that also includes arms and hands is $16.95. No appointments are necessary. Travelers remain clothed and sit in a chair for the massages. Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. The stores also sell relaxation products such as a squeeze ball to combat stress, scented soaps and body oils.

A pass to the O’Hare Hilton Athletic Club, just a short stroll from the baggage claim area, is $9 and offers access to the workout equipment, pool, showers, lockers, whirlpool, steam and sauna rooms. Full body massages are offered, too, for $65 per hour or $35 per half hour. Hours: 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday; 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. Appointments recommended for massages, although an hour’s notice usually suffices; tel. (773) 601-1722.


Restless children and their parents can check out the play area in terminal 2, just past the security checkpoint. It is free, open 24 hours and boasts a miniature cargo plane, fantasy helicopter and a cargo hold crawlway for exploration. There also is a simulated ticket counter.

Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport: In addition to the bookstores with tea bars previously mentioned, La Bodega Winery in terminal 2E at gate 6, offers tastings of Texas wines. Three samples cost $3. Hours: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Saturday; noon to 10 p.m., Sunday.

Denver International Airport: Massages ranging from head-and-neck to full-body are offered at A Massage Inc. on the sixth level of the main terminal, west side, two doors from the post office. A 15-minute chair massage includes back, head, neck and face for $20 and is administered while the traveler is fully clothed. A traditional 90-minute massage is $90. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., daily.


Honolulu International Airport: Perfect for international travelers trying to sleep between flights, the Airport Mini Hotel offers rooms for stays as brief as two hours or as long as eight. Rates vary by time, from $19.95 for a two-hour stay in a single occupancy room, to $52.80 for a couple sharing a room up to eight hours. None of the 17 rooms include a phone or television. Reservations advised, tel. (808) 836-3044.

Los Angeles International Airport: For a quick workout, 24-Hour Fitness, a health club on the lower level of the Hilton Hotel, 5711 W. Century Blvd., offers a visitor’s pass for $10. Take the hotel shuttle or a taxi from the airport. Facilities include aerobics classes, treadmills, weight equipment. Hours: 24 hours from 5 a.m. Monday to 11 p.m. Friday; weekend hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport: An art gallery is housed in terminal 4, the newest and largest of the airport terminals. It’s on level 3, near the main retail shopping area, and is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., daily. Admission is free. The other three terminals house art displays in glass cases, viewable at any time.

Pittsburgh International Airport: The Touch ‘N Go massage service in concourse C offers seated massages for $1 a minute. Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

The Kidsport play area in concourse C is open 24 hours and includes a slide, changing area and a toy airplane kids can sit in.

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport: Two Massage Bars--one on concourse C (open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily), the other in the north satellite terminal (open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily)--offer 15-minute seated massages for $15; 30-minute massages for $28. A $1 discount is offered during Happy Hour, usually the first hour of operation.


St. Louis’ Lambert International Airport: A small play area in concourse B, main terminal, is open 24 hours.

Washington’s Dulles International Airport: The Tikesport play area, with toys and games for children, is on the midfield concourse. To access it, travelers can take the mobile lounges (shuttles).


The Healthy Traveler appears the second and fourth week of every month.
