
Festivals, Feasts & Fairs

NEWPORT BEACH--The annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade--which first began twinkling in 1908--sails every night from Wednesday-to Dec. 23. More than 150 elaborately decorated vessels will take part. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the harbor at the end of Newport Boulevard. Free. (714) 729-4400.

RAILTOWN 1897 STATE HISTORIC PARK--Santa’s riding the rails, not a sleigh, during the annual run of the Santa Trains, Saturday and next Sunday at the park at 5th Avenue and Reservoir Road. The trains, carrying Santa and musicians, will leave the park hourly 11 a.m.-3 p.m. for a six-mile round trip to a local quarry and back. There will be cookies, cider and carolers. Train fee: $6, $3 children 6-12, free for 5 and under; park admission is $2, $1 ages 6-12, 5 and under free. (209) 984-3953.

SOLVANG--It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in this Danish village, where Winterfest includes visits with Santa and Mrs. Claus and strolling characters from “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” The jolly couple will appear outside the Visitors Center, 1659 Copenhagen Drive, 1-3 p.m. next Saturday and Sunday and noon-2 p.m. Dec. 22. Businesses will provide free refreshments 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday. And harpists will perform noon-2 p.m. next Sunday and Dec. 23 at Alisal and Copenhagen streets. The annual King Knute Christmas Tree Burning will be held Jan. 9, when about 4,000 Christmas trees go up in flames. There will be free refreshments, and choirs will make a joyful noise. 5:30-7 p.m., Old Mission Santa Ines, Mission Drive at California 246. Free. (800) 468-6765.


SAN FRANCISCO--Race into the new year at the First Run Festival Dec 31. After fireworks at midnight, participants will run or walk two miles on a lantern-lighted course. There’s also a 100-yard dash at 11 p.m. for kids 12 and under. Festivities include live music, jugglers, balloon artists and free snacks, 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m. For runners: $25 ($20 in advance); $15 ($10) for 12 and under. $5 per person for spectators. Proceeds go to charity. (415) 759-2690.

FRESNO--Part celebration and part inspiration, the annual Kwanzaa celebration will be held beginning at 6 p.m. Dec. 26-Jan. 1 at the African American Cultural Museum, 1857 Fulton St. There will be a ceremony and speakers, as well as singing and dancing, poetry and food, from akari balls (a type of fritter) to black-eyed peas and greens. A donation is asked. (209) 268-7102.

Call listed phone numbers for directions.
