
Shake Up Your Life

Before chardonnay was as American as Coca-Cola, there was the cocktail. Ladies sipped sweet pink concoctions laced with gin--and real men drank martinis.

Well, the cocktail’s back. But who among us can whip up a pousse cafe, a Pernod frappe?

Now comes the Bartender’s Deck, 50 boxed cards revealing on their flip sides the secrets of everything from an Angel’s Kiss to a Zombie. Even teetotalers can appreciate the terrific artwork--colorful cocktails in exquisite glasses photographed as still lifes against a black background with vintage props: shakers, nut dishes and, yes, cigarettes.

So put the Sam Adams on hold and try a Satan’s Whiskers, (half-ounce sweet vermouth, half-ounce dry vermouth, half-ounce gin, half-ounce orange juice, one-quarter Grand Marnier, dash of orange bitters). Shake well, strain into cocktail glass.
