
It’ll Take More Than Flash to Take On Intel

Advertiser: Advanced Micro Devices

Agency: Hill, Holiday, Connors, Cosmopulos, Boston

Challenge: Build awareness of AMD’s microprocessors in an “Intel Inside” world.

The Ads: The latest in a series of ads promoting AMD’s K6 microprocessor seem inspired by the “Austin Powers” spy film spoof. Silver-suited thugs usher two trendy-looking spies before an evil commander set on world domination. But when the commander types on his keyboard, his PC doesn’t respond. The screen flashes the word “Processing,” while a loudspeaker repeats, “Stand by, stand by.” As the heroes walk off during the malfunction, a voice-over says, “Some PCs lack the power to help you conquer much of anything.” But with AMD’s chip, the ad claims, “awesome speed and multimedia are on your side.”

Comment: This ad certainly attracts attention with its elaborate set and artsy camera angles. The bad guys in silver suits evoke Intel’s bunny people, though AMD says any similarities are unintentional. Unfortunately for AMD, conquering Intel won’t be as easy as it appears in the commercial.

