
Christmas Creativity


Christina Houlberg believes it’s possible for a child to experience a “creative streak” quite early. “Mine had set in by 5,” she said.

In her own case it never stopped, eventually leading to a career as a crafts instructor--for the last eight years, with the city of Ventura Department of Community Services. This Saturday at Barranca Vista Park, Houlberg will conduct a series of holiday-themed craft workshops for tots as young as 3.

“A year ago I started programs for really young kids on weekends and after work hours, so parents could come, because there was almost nothing available where parents could work with their kids,” Houlberg said.


“I remembered that my mother, every rainy day when I was very young, used to set up the card table and get me to do craft things, and that’s a sentiment I want to convey to parents now.”

Having taught art since 1968, Houlberg has noticed that, unless adults--parents and teachers--encourage children early on, “kids can be turned off by art by the second grade.”

She recommends a book on the topic from St. Martin’s Press entitled, “Encourage the Artist in Your Child (Even if You Can’t Draw),” by Sally Warner.


At Houlberg’s workshop Saturday, where craft materials will be provided, kids will have an opportunity to make “jingle-bell jewelry,” construct ornamental balls out of construction paper to hang on the yule tree, and make a Christmas-card holder using paper plates and yarn.

The jewelry project, depending on whether a child’s creative streak has set in, could turn out to be quite original. “They’ll be threading red and green beads in among really tiny bells--some one-quarter to one-half to 1 inch--to make holiday bracelets and necklaces,” said Houlberg.

This workshop is one of three happening Saturday. For older kids, ages 6 to 12, there’s a separate session at which gift items can be made by applying batik holiday designs on muslin. These kids can also make jingle-bell jewelry and tree ornaments.


Also, for kids 5-12 who are interested in decorating holiday cookies, there’s a morning session (somewhat misnamed “Gingerbread House”) at which they can decorate sugar cookies with frosting, gels and sprinkles--and take them home.

Houlberg’s craft workshops for tots won’t disappear from the calendar of Ventura’s park program after Christmas. Next month she’ll start a new Saturday series of “Mommie and Me” art courses. And on Tuesday evenings early next year she’ll teach a “Science and Art” course for kids, ages 3 to 5. (Call (805) 658-4726 for details.)

For that Tuesday course, Houlberg cautions, “Kids will have to be able to sit still for a 20-minute presentation on topics like stars or animals or weather, prior to an art project that reinforces the lesson.”


“Parents & Me Tots Gifts Workshop,” ages 3-5; children must be be accompanied by adults; Saturday, 1:45-2:45 p.m.; Barranca Vista Park, 7050 E. Ralston Ave., Ventura. $10 fee includes materials. At same location, same day, holiday workshops for older kids: cookie-making for ages 5-12, from 10:30-11:30 a.m., $10; and gift workshop, ages 6-12, from 3-4:30 p.m., $15. Information: (805) 658-4726.
