
Ahmanson Ranch Development

Re “Building Blocks,” Nov. 16.

Your article is clearly biased toward land development. Is it possible that you own stock or have a vested interest though a friend or mutual acquaintance?

How in the world can [the Ahmanson Ranch] development create a benefit for anyone except developers’ pocketbooks? Do we need two more golf courses and retail space and housing? No. No. No.

Putting aside all of the environmental issues and neo-traditional designs, how is it that people of Los Angeles County have no say in this development that impacts our lives?


Very simply, all access is on our property and none on Ventura County. Yet they derive the economic benefits while we derive the environmental nightmare of a parking lot on the 101.

Are you telling me there will be no impact because we will have solved our traffic issues? We can’t even complete a subway system on time.

The laws are made by the people and for the people. We need to change the laws as citizens of L.A. County so we can have a say in what other counties want to force upon us and not be subject to a law system that is antiquated.



