
Noise Standards

Re “Stricter Noise Standards Recommended for Universal,” Dec. 11.

Barry Stavro’s article about independent consultant Fred Greve’s 17-page report didn’t cover the obvious issue of atmospheric conditions and inversion layer effects. Which explains why we can sometimes hear the freeway a mile away or a neighbor’s television set down the street and other times hear nothing at all. Universal opted to go with the county’s sound ordinances for the simple reason they are specifically measurable. Any neighbor can purchase a simple $20 device and know instantly if the law is being violated. They even recommended that their busiest, noisiest days be set as the inspection days.

I respect Greve’s report, despite the fact the Newport Beach consultant never contacted neighbors in this area. However, the county hired other consultants who agreed that the Universal plan was workable, but that information never appeared in the article.

I commend Universal, the city and county for working together to find a solution that meets everyone’s requirements. But please, let’s get this job approved and done. The income to the city and county that will be created by the Universal development will be needed to pay for all these out-of-town experts.



Studio City
