
Anaheim’s Telecommunications Foray

* The story “Hot-Wiring Anaheim” (July 24) portrayed a rather glowing picture of Anaheim’s joint venture to enter the telecommunications business with San Diego-based SpectraNet. However, there were some major issues not included in the article.

First, Anaheim already is served by one of the largest state-of-the-art fiber-optic networks in the world, built by the hard-working men and women of the Communications Workers of America and Pacific Bell. Why spend taxpayers’ money and other valuable city resources on high-risk, capital-intensive and speculative ventures that are not needed?

Next, why is the city trusting a firm with no track record or experience to build and run a communications network that citizens will depend upon in life-or-death situations--for fire, police and medical services?


There is also the issue of the city establishing itself as both a regulator and competitor, in addition to locking itself to one provider--SpectraNet--for close to two decades. During that time, the city of Anaheim would never have the option of accepting a lower-cost offer. Without competition, there is a ripple effect threatening private-sector job opportunities and business growth for small supply firms and other businesses.

How fair is this anti-competitive situation to the citizens of Anaheim, who are potentially being deprived of the better service and lower prices that are a direct result of the competitive forces and rapid technological changes we’re now seeing in a number of industries, including telecommunications?

What service or product will Anaheim target next? Parking lots? Gas stations?

Cities should stick to what their charters mandate, providing the basic, essential services of fire, police, trash collection and water, and leave the “hot-wiring” development of telecommunications networks in the competitive private sector, where consumers are best served.



Vice president

Communications Workers of America District 9
