
Snake vs. Chihuahua: The case was called...

Snake vs. Chihuahua: The case was called “I Can’t Believe It Ate the Whole Thing.” Flossie Torgerson, whose pet Chihuahua, Babette, was devoured by an escaped boa constrictor in Chatsworth, faced off against the snake’s owner, Angus Johnson, on TV’s “The People’s Court.” Former New York Mayor Ed Koch, presiding as judge, awarded her $1,500. She had sought $5,000 for the dog’s value and emotional distress. “Under California law,” he ruled, “there is no compensation for bereavement over a dead dog.”

* GREAT ESCAPE: As thousands prepare for the Labor Day weekend, Thomas Stricklin gets an early start on the holiday at the Buckhorn campground in Angeles National Forest. B1

* TOP 10: Every three months, the city’s Ethics Commission lists the top 10 individuals or entities that spent the most on lobbying City Hall. B5


* COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Pierce College quarterback Dan McMullen, above, was sacked repeatedly last year--including 11 times in one game--but may operate behind a stronger line this season. C12

* BUS FARES: The Metropolitan Transportation Authority board approved a 75-cent bus fare for off-peak hours. B1
