
Back-to-School Traffic Safety Tips Presented

Back-to-school traffic safety was the theme of an event hosted by the nonprofit Safe Moves organization Thursday at 49th Street Elementary School.

“Traffic and bicycle accidents are among the leading cause of death and injury to school-aged children, and education is the key to preventing these needless tragedies,” said Nanette Terrenal, a spokeswoman for the Safe Moves.

Safe Moves is funded by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation and the state Office of Traffic Safety.


The event at 49th Street school featured simulated intersections for children to cross and a “rollover simulator,” in which dummies not held in place by seat belts were ejected when a device resembling a car was rolled over.

“Educational events such as this one are provided to schools at no charge,” Terrenal said.

“Nationally, nearly 7,000 children are killed and 50,000 children are permanently disabled each year during the back-to-school season,” she said.

Safe Moves said that the leading causes of traffic-related deaths and injuries to children are crossing the street mid-block; riding a bicycle into the street without stopping; riding a bicycle without a helmet; not obeying traffic signs and signals; improper use of child restraint seats; motorists running red lights and stop signs, and motorists turning into the path of a child.
