
Elvis Presley

Re “30,000 Elvis Fans Can’t Help Falling in Line,” Aug. 17:

As a contemporary of Elvis, I wanted to say that not everyone thought he could dance, sing or act. Certainly not better than anyone else his age, picked at random. He was a manufactured icon by social engineers promoting an agenda. (No, it was not just money!) As usual, the adolescent female was the most vulnerable and easiest to manipulate.

I sympathize with Elvis. There can be little doubt that he knew this better than anyone, and must have felt contempt for his hysterical worshipers. This would help explain the rapid deterioration in his personal life. However, the nation as a whole has also suffered from this deliberate assault upon our taste, manners and morals; and the end is not in sight.


Santa Ana

* The continuing widespread adulation of non-role-model Elvis Presley on the 20th anniversary of his death is a sad comment on the so-called values of society today.


We do not need hero worship of a confirmed drug addict, nor 300 college courses studying him, nor churches revering him. Ironic--with shocking reports now showing more and more of our very young are abusing illegal substances!


Thousand Oaks
