
Former Hells Angel, Local Pastor Lead Rally...

Former Hells Angel, Local Pastor Lead Rally Against Gangs: Christian motorcycle gang members, former drug addicts and scores of kids crowded around Arleta Foursquare Church for its annual Street Beat Rally on Saturday. The event began three years ago as a way to reach out to gangs and graffiti artists. “Trying to stop gangs and drugs is like trying to stop a runaway train,” said Pastor Armando Portillo, so the church tries to intervene before neighborhood kids get into trouble. Former Hells Angel Phil Aguilar, who now rides with a Christian outfit called the Set Free Tribe, approved of the event. “Kids aren’t going to listen to no ‘Leave It to Beaver’ presentation--you got to talk to them where they are,” he said.

Touchdown Trial: You can run, Anthony Davis (and can you ever), but you can’t hide. More than 20 years after you brought tears to Irish eyes by scoring big against Notre Dame, justice is finally done. B1

Cleaning the Wash: Everything about Big Tujunga Wash, the site of a proposed golf course, seems to bring on controversy, even a trash cleanup effort on Saturday by eco-volunteers. B1
