
Countywide Vote on El Toro Unfair

It seems that nearly every letter from Newport Beach regarding the airport states “county citizens have voted for the airport.” I am so tired of reading this argument that I decided that I just have to reply to it.

Yes, the majority of county voters did vote pro-airport. However, the majority of those who will be most adversely impacted by the airport, overwhelmingly voted against the airport.

This is why Supervisor Thomas W. Wilson is working against the airport. He knows that his job is not to do what Newport Beach and the other supervisors want him to do. His job is to fight for the best interests of the people he represents, those of us in South County. Our claim is simple. It is not democratic for people unaffected by a negative element to vote for that negative element to be placed in someone else’s community.


If California voted to expand John Wayne Airport, Newport Beach residents would not be writing to say, “Let’s get on with it.”


Laguna Niguel
