
Proposed Cutbacks in Safety Services Head Council Agenda

Arcadia firefighters and residents groups are expected to pack the City Council chamber tonight as council members debate slashing services to make up a $2-million budget shortfall.

The showdown comes after property owners rejected a proposed assessment for fire service. The council is slated to choose from nearly 60 proposed budget cuts, including laying off 10 firefighters, closing a fire station, eliminating paramedics and closing the library Mondays and Thursdays, and reducing city salaries 3% across the board. Mayor Robert Harbicht said property owners’ rejection of the assessment by a 2-1 margin shows they favor such cuts.

Nonetheless, the Highlands Homeowners’ Assn., which represents more than 1,000 households, said it will oppose any move to cut police, fire or paramedic service. In a letter to the council, the association said, “The citizens saw that this ballot measure was not a vote to increase the size of the police and fire departments, but was instead an accounting shift to make up for shortfalls for past council decisions.”


Members of the Arcadia Firefighters’ Assn. said they will attend the council meeting to fight the proposed layoffs.
