
FCC Should Act on Liquor Ads

Re “FCC Passing the Buck on TV Liquor Ads,” Orange County Voices, Aug. 3:

Finally, someone in Orange County is talking about the problem of liquor advertising on the radio and TV airwaves.

Because my nieces can sing Budweiser songs from television commercials better than they can recite ABC’s, writer Annette Padilla’s notion that “radio and TV are the strongest advertising media for kids, and alcohol advertising further encourages use and promotes availability,” is a grim reality. The alcohol industry is not out for the health of our youth. It is trying to make a buck.

The Federal Communications Commission turned the cheek when they decided not to look into the issue of liquor ads on TV and radio. This issue is not about fair advertising, it’s about Goliath alcohol producers and little David’s public interest.


I appreciate the Los Angeles stations’ adopting their voluntary policy not to air liquor ads and encourage OCN to do the same.


Santa Ana

Thanks to Annette Padilla for lifting the curtain on the FCC and liquor advertising.

As a mother, I would not want my children influenced by hard liquor commercials on TV and radio when they have so much violence in their environment already.

Youth access to alcohol is already a problem in Orange County and California. The FCC should pull its head out of the sand and serve the public interest.



Yorba Linda
