
County Dist. Atty. Bradbury May Be Clear on Law but Not on Ethics

Don’t you just love those Republican family values?

County Dist. Atty. Michael Bradbury, caught getting welfare for his mother to live in a house on his $500,000 property, has now generously offered to give the monthly sum to charity, thereby generating a tax break on his six-digit salary.


I can understand his belief that his mother needs to feel she’s not a burden on the family, but some mothers (and children, etc.) on Section 8 waiting lists need things, too, like a roof over their heads. Whatever happened to the old saying that “charity begins at home”?


Port Hueneme

* It is despicable that the D.A. accepts tax money to assist his mother. He stated that the amount of money is too trivial to matter to him. Well, it means a lot to most of our taxpayers.


He stated that his mother is a proud woman and that somehow bilking us taxpayers as she is helps her pride. What pride can she have after accepting welfare for 20 years? I am of her generation (I’m 75) and I would be embarrassed to tears to accept any form of welfare except as a last resort.

This unethical behavior is especially unacceptable for a D.A. Hopefully, he will not be reelected--but all is not lost. One with his lack of ethics should have no trouble getting a lucrative position on O.J.’s legal fancy-foot-work team.

P.S. Thanks for pointing out this issue. Hopefully, HUD will shape up!


Newbury Park

* Ventura County Dist. Atty. Michael D. Bradbury might be within the law (for now) while accepting a government subsidy for renting a home to his mother on his own ranch. However, is it right when others without families to help with housing remain on waiting lists for three to five years for rent subsidies?


Bradbury is a prime example of those who adjust their behavior to whatever will fit within the law. The reason we have so many laws is that not enough individuals will do the right thing.


Oak Park

* Like many lawyers, Ventura Dist. Atty. Michael Bradbury seems to know what’s legal, but has a problem distinguishing what’s ethical.

His rationalizations justifying his acceptance of taxpayer money to subsidize his mother’s rental on property he owns (“I live paycheck to paycheck”) are truly sickening. Instead of offering excuses, Bradbury should be professing shame!


Hopefully, Ventura residents will remember this disgraceful situation at the next election for district attorney!


