
Bicyclist Hit by Police Car Slightly Injured

A 12-year-old Oxnard bicyclist, wearing no helmet, was slightly injured Friday after he was struck by an Oxnard police cruiser traveling at a slow speed, police said.

Officer Karl Dyer was traveling eastbound about 15 mph in the alley running parallel north of the 300 block of Questa Del Mar about 3:15 p.m. when Israel Lopez dashed into the alley and was struck, according to Oxnard Officer Michael Gregson, who investigated the accident.

The youth, who was pedaling northbound, was knocked off his bike, he said.

The scrape on his left thigh did not require medical attention, said Gregson.

“He’s lucky the vehicle wasn’t traveling faster,” Gregson said.

He said Dyer was traveling within the 15-mph speed limit during a normal round of patrolling and was not found to be at fault.


The youth was guilty of three minor infractions, although he will not be fined, Gregson said.

“[He] didn’t have any breaks on his bike and crossed the road in an unsafe manner,” Gregson said. “He wasn’t wearing a helmet.”

The youth later walked away from the scene, because the front wheel and handlebars on his bike were bent.
