
Six Buildings Planned for Industrial Center

A proposal for six new buildings on 13 acres in the massive PacificCommerce Centre industrial complex will be reviewed Thursday by the Planning Commission.

The six buildings, designed for a mix of industrial and office uses, would total about 202,260 square feet. The industrial park is one of the largest in the county with more than 4 million square feet of building space.

The proposed development is planned at Crescent Bay Drive and Bake Parkway.

There are no tenants yet slated for the proposed buildings, a relatively common practice for Newport Beach-based Pacific Gulf Properties, city Senior Planner Gayle Ackerman said.


The project’s development application indicates the company intends to look for smaller firms needing warehouse space and manufacturing facilities, such as growing high-tech corporations.

The 7 p.m. meeting will be at City Hall at 23161 Lake Center Drive. Information: (714) 461-3400.
