
Reason for Offense at Religion’s Portrayal

Rabbi Gerald L. Zelizer assures us that the entertainment industry’s depiction of Catholic priests, in addition to other ministers and clergy, is something we should accept as having a “healthy side” (“TV to Focus on Atypical in Clergy’s Lives, but There’s a Healthy Homily,” Counterpunch, Aug. 4). TV and movies will show clergy as a “religious facilitator who may not have all the answers but can raise the questions and show a method of searching.”

I don’t plan to hold my breath until it happens, but it would be interesting to see what sort of reaction we would get if every movie rabbi was shown as someone who believes that Moses was a fabulous myth, or thinks that maybe Jesus really was the Messiah or is shown as a sociopath.

Please, Rabbi Zelizer, don’t tell us we should think it in any way healthy when the entertainment industry shows Catholic priests and other clergy as deviants, liars, criminals or simply lacking in faith. We take offense, and we will continue to take offense. Hollywood continually seeks to undermine religion because it appears the powers that be there have long ago abandoned their religious beliefs.



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