
Lawyer’s Trial

* A Valley edition B1 story Aug. 1 presents the evidence given in the trial of a lawyer for issuing a challenge to a bailiff (“Name-Calling Attorney Gets His Date in Court”). The words were similar too: “If you want a piece of me, step outside.” Challenges like this are made hundreds of times every day in every city in the country. But the court chooses to spend its time and thousands of tax dollars on this kind of nonsense. The strange thing is that the trial is attracting several lawyers as spectators and stranger still is that The Times chose to print it on the first page.

I disagree with the dreadful reputation lawyers have, but this is the kind of inanity that encourages many of us to disparage the legal profession.


Studio City

* What is this? Grammar school! We have adults bickering about who said what to whom in our courts! That this childish behavior is tolerated, let alone allowed to take up more of our tax dollars in court hearings, is mind-boggling.



Los Angeles
