
Another Salvo Over Fireworks

* To the few who gripe about Disneyland’s nightly fireworks display during the summer, such as the writer of the letter printed July 23, for heaven’s sake, get a life!

Disneyland has been shooting the fireworks show for over 30 years. Thousands of people enjoy it and look forward to it. And consider this: It is one of the very few Disney attractions you can see without actually having to pay, since it can be viewed from a great distance.

And as far as the cost of the homeless or perhaps some other charitable organization, are you aware that each year many thousands of dollars are raised by nonprofit groups by selling safe-and-sane fireworks throughout the state of California?


But of course, the letter-writer lives in Anaheim, which banned the sale and use of these products some time ago. Well, it’s not too late. Why not ask the City Council to bring them back? You can buy some, support a worthy cause, and then sleep better at night.


