


17. CASTAIC LAKE--Largemouth bass activity increasing, though fish are biting in deeper water because of the heat. Alex Aarias, El Monte, 15 bass, largest four pounds, on plastic worms. Greg Glogow, Valencia, 7-pound 1-ounce and 4-7 bass, on crawdads on lower lake. Steve Glogow, five largemouths, largest 6-1, on mudsuckers on lower lake.

18. LAKE PIRU--Trout active at 40 feet, biting for trollers using Needlefish lures and Rapalas in middle of lake. Several limits. Largemouth bass active in mornings and afternoons only. Inflated night crawlers and spinners getting most. Catfish activity picking up, mainly at north end and Santa Felicia Cove.

19. PYRAMID LAKE--Catfish activity picking up, mainly at Yellow Bar. Bluegills and crappies biting fair throughout channel. Striped bass boiling on surface mornings, but biting mostly on anchovies during the day, and averaging a less-than-impressive three-four pounds. Largemouth and smallmouth bass being caught sporadically.


20. LAKE CACHUMA--Catfish best bet, most active at east end. Tim and Chuck Scott, Glendora, four catfish, largest 19 1/2 pounds, on mackerel at east end. Trout bite fair for bait fishermen off El Dorado Point and for trollers using Needlefish lures at west end. Brandon Martinez, Pico Rivera, three-pound trout, on Power Bait at El Dorado Point. Jason Bernal, Roland Hills, 4 1/2-pound trout, on Rainbow Power Bait. Largemouth bass biting on surface lures in early mornings.

21. LAKE CASITAS--Catfish best bet. Ennis Choyce, Pasadena, five catfish totaling 30 pounds, on mackerel. Eddie Casas, Ventura, 12-pound catfish, on mackerel. Largemouth bass fair for small fish, slow for trophy-sized fish.

22. CORONA LAKE--Top catfish, 8-3, by Dennis Richard, Bellflower, on mackerel in tree area. Some bass and bluegill being caught.


23. SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--Catfish best bet--two 11-pounders top the weekly report--but a few largemouth bass are being caught. Louis Cervantes, Norwalk, caught a 6 1/2-pounder.

24. IRVINE LAKE--Largemouth bass have upstaged catfish for the first time in weeks. An 8-6 bass was caught during an evening bite by Wiley Ishii, Tustin, on a Carolina-rigged plastic worm. Several in the three-pound range have been caught and released. Catfish bite remains steady, with limits of small channel catfish common.

25. LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Boaters doing best with catfish, but almost everybody is catching them. Largest of the week was one 12-9 by Marty Sauceda, Costa Mesa, on mackerel at creek inlet. Largemouth bass bite fair on surface lures very early and on night crawlers during day. John Tolle, Laguna Niguel, nine-pound bass, on night crawler.


26. LAKE SKINNER--Catfish good in mornings and evenings, biting on anchovies and chicken livers. Other species slow.

27. LAKE PERRIS--Largemouth bass active, but few big fish landed. Island best area. Night crawlers best bait. Bluegill bite steady on crickets and worms at dam.

28. SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--Lakes Hodges, Murray and Sutherland yielded bass weighing 10 pounds or more and a fair morning bite is in progress at all three, as well as at El Capitan. San Vicente remains a fantastic place to catch bluegill--nearly 6,500 were caught in the past week. Hodges fair for crappie and all lakes are experiencing a slight increase in catfish activity.

29. LAKE CUYAMACA--The heat has cooled off the trout bite, though some small fish are biting in the early morning on night crawlers and Power Bait at west finger jetty. Some bass and crappies.

30. BIG BEAR LAKE--Trout bite fair to good, with fish hitting trolled lures and drifted baits (mainly Power Bait) at 15-20 feet. Some limits. Other species slow.

31. BISHOP--Upper-elevation lakes are a great place to beat the heat and catch some fish for dinner. Limits or near-limits are the rule at South Lake, North Lake and Intake II. And hiking to the back-country lakes has been even more rewarding. Bishop Creek is running too fast for good fishing. Weir Pond remains a hot spot for fly fishermen. Mike Gould, Capistrano Beach. five-pound rainbow, on Power Bait at South Lake.


32. MAMMOTH LAKES--Special regulations are in effect at Crowley Lake, limiting anglers to two trout 18 inches or longer and caught on flies and artificial lures with barbless hooks. Rapalas, Thomas Buoyants and Needlefish with crimped-down hooks are the best bet, catching rainbows and browns to five pounds. Convict Lake fair for an occasional big fish. Rock Creek good on salmon eggs, worms and small spinners. Rock Creek Lake fair for bigger fish. Janine Sandervent, Diamond Bar, 3 1/2-pound rainbow on a night crawler. Twin Lakes’ Upper Basin fair on night crawlers. Lake Mary yielding occasional huge Alpers trout and an occasional limit of smaller trout. Lake Mamie slow to fair, float-tubers using woolly buggers doing best

33. JUNE LAKE--All lakes on loop fair, with Gull yielding the biggest fish, trout three-six pounds taken on Power Bait, inflated night crawlers and Trout Teasers. June Lake best for trollers using Needlefish and Rapalas; Grant Lake trollers using Rapalas are getting an occasional large brown; Silver Lake best for fly fishermen using olive matukas and trollers using night crawler-flasher combinations and Needlefish lures.

34. BRIDGEPORT--Heat has stifled afternoon bites, so morning fishing is best. Bridgeport Reservoir and East Walker River best bets for big fish (East Walker produced an eight-pound brown). Average catch: two fish per rod. Dry-fly fishing on streams--Virginia Creek best--good in evenings.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

2. MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--87 anglers (2 boats): 14 ling cod, 330 red rock cod, 260 rock cod. (Bob’s Sportfishing)--32 anglers (2 boats): 4 ling cod, 200 red rock cod, 40 red snapper, 229 rock cod, 1 cow cod.

3. AVILA BAY (Avila Beach)--73 anglers (2 boats): 75 red rock cod, 690 rock cod, 37 ling cod, 1 cabezon, 1 salmon, 1 whitefish.


4. SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--50 anglers (3 boats): 45 calico bass, 9 sand bass, 2 sculpin, 48 barracuda, 40 rockfish, 2 butter bass, 10 perch.

5. VENTURA--58 anglers (1 boat): 332 calico bass, 140 sand bass, 15 barracuda, 1 halibut, 2 sculpin. (Harbor Village)--54 anglers (3 boats): 40 calico bass, 20 rockfish, 68 barracuda, 236 sand bass. (Captain Hook Sportfishing)--49 anglers (3 boats): 6 calico bass, 336 sand bass, 21 barracuda, 1 bonito.

6. OXNARD (Cisco’s)--125 anglers (7 boats): 1 bluefin tuna, 58 albacore, 7 yellowtail, 13 barracuda, 7 blue perch, 247 calico bass, 1 halibut, 1 red snapper, 34 rockfish, 303 sand bass, 14 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 61 whitefish. (Gold Coast)--11 anglers (1 boat): 29 calico bass, 1 barracuda, 6 perch, 5 rockfish, 1 sand bass.

7. PORT HUENEME--61 anglers (4 boats): 196 calico bass, 1 yellowtail, 1 white sea bass, 121 barracuda, 6 rockfish, 1 bonito, 155 sand bass, 13 sculpin, 10 whitefish, 23 blue perch.

8. MARINA DEL REY--164 anglers (6 boats): 16 yellowtail, 78 calico bass, 46 barracuda, 365 sand bass, 11 bonito. (In-Seine Sportfishing)--77 anglers (3 boats): 15 yellowtail, 55 sand bass, 8 bonito, 1 halibut.

9. REDONDO BEACH--183 anglers (6 boats): 52 yellowtail, 30 bonito, 110 calico bass, 43 sand bass, 430 barracuda, 8 sculpin, 5 whitefish, 18 rockfish. Barge--59 anglers: 9 sand bass, 3 calico bass, 11 mackerel, 7 sole.


10. SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--116 anglers (5 boats): 63 yellowtail, 88 barracuda, 64 sand bass, 106 calico bass, 2 sculpin, 17 bonito, 6 whitefish, 1 sole. (22nd St. Landing)--152 anglers (5 boats): 38 yellowtail, 112 calico bass, 1 halibut, 108 barracuda, 116 sand bass, 18 bonito, 12 sculpin, 8 sheephead.

11. LONG BEACH (Belmont Pier)--35 anglers (2 boats): 23 barracuda, 3 bonito, 14 calico bass, 110 mackerel, 6 sand bass, 4 yellowtail.

13. NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--160 anglers (6 boats): 13 yellowtail, 58 barracuda, 222 sand bass, 56 calico bass, 20 rockfish, 59 sculpin, 4 bonito, 244 mackerel. (Davey’s Locker)--192 anglers (4 boats): 55 yellowtail, 11 bonito, 346 barracuda, 18 calico bass, 94 sand bass, 364 mackerel, 1 thresher shark.

14. DANA WHARF--211 anglers (11 boats): 4 dorado, 10 yellowfin tuna, 97 yellowtail, 1,141 sand bass, 83 barracuda, 17 bonito, 49 calico bass, 97 mackerel, 3 needlefish, 1 mako shark.

15. OCEANSIDE--225 anglers (8 boats): 27 albacore, 55 yellowtail, 7 yellowfin tuna, 8 bluefin tuna, 10 barracuda, 11 bonito, 430 calico bass, 385 sand bass, 2 halibut, 84 sculpin, 11 sheephead, 28 whitefish, 22 rockfish, 8 skipjack, 60 blue perch, 163 mackerel.

16. SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--269 anglers (15 boats): 984 yellowtail, 6 bluefin tuna, 38 yellowfin tuna, 255 dorado, 344 albacore, 43 skipjack. (Seaforth)--304 anglers (9 boats): 12 yellowfin tuna, 75 dorado, 161 yellowtail, 139 barracuda, 120 calico bass, 547 sand bass, 15 rockfish, 59 mackerel, 25 sculpin, 2 halibut. (Islandia)--183 anglers (4 boats): 11 barracuda, 2 yellowtail, 16 sand bass, 223 calico bass, 1 sheephead, 13 sculpin, 21 rockfish, 7 mackerel. (Morning Star Charters at Imperial Beach)--34 anglers (1 boat): 5 yellowtail, 31 barracuda, 123 sand bass, 177 sculpin, 1 ling cod, 1 sheephead, 19 rockfish.



RIVERSIDE County--Fulmor Lake, Lake Hemet. SAN BERNARDINO--Green Valley Lake, Jenks Lake, Lake Gregory, Santa Ana River. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, South forks and Intake II), Cottonwood Creek, Georges Creek, Goodale Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Rock Creek (Rock Creek Lake to the end of the road), Rock Creek Lake, Shepards Creek, South Lake, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Convict Lake, Deadman Creek, George Lake, Glass Creek, Grant Lake, Gull Lake, June Lake, Lake Mary, Pine Creek, Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Toms Place and Toms Place upstream to Rock Creek Lake), Silver Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Twin Lakes Mammoth.
