
Bills to Ban Junk Guns

Re “This Could Be the Year for Killing Off Junk Guns,” editorial, Aug. 1: After reading the editorial, I surmised it was a waste of space. The last paragraph said, “Such a law, of course, would not prevent criminals from getting weapons.” Why waste the time and taxpayers’ money if the law will not accomplish anything except take the affordability of protection away from those who can’t afford the non-Saturday night special (media term)?

We have a Brady bill establishing federal purchase-ownership requirements that are less than California requirements. Yet, the California criminal is still armed. Does he/she purchase firearms legally? I bet not.

It is going to happen as long as the criminal element is allowed to go unchecked. Start punishing the person who knowingly sells the firearm illegally as an accessory to the murder/robbery/assault and you can bet the availability will decrease. It’s the criminal, not the gun!



Mission Viejo

I don’t know how many of my fellow Americans would agree with me, but I am not nearly as concerned about the quality of some of the guns in our midst, as I am about the quality of some of the people. If The Times can figure out how to ban them, it can rely upon my enthusiastic support.

Meanwhile, I’m going to hang on to my “junk” gun, and hope it doesn’t misfire if one of the above scumbags threatens me or my wife.


