
Times Accused of Biased Coverage of Latinos

More than 200 activists and supporters of Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alatorre gathered at an Eastside church Thursday to denounce the Los Angeles Times for what they charge is biased coverage of the Latino community.

Speakers charged, among other things, that The Times unfairly targets Latino leaders, especially Alatorre. They also complained that the paper too often depicts Latino youths as gang members and criminals, and that The Times exaggerated Republican allegations that noncitizen voters in Orange County helped U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez topple Robert K. Dornan in last year’s congressional elections.

“We feel the Los Angeles Times has been racist and disrespectful of our community,” said Father Juan Santillan, pastor of Maria Auxiliadora Roman Catholic Church.


Times Editor and Executive Vice President Shelby Coffey III disputed that, saying The Times is “especially proud of the broad and growing coverage of the many Latino communities in our area that we’ve provided in recent years.”

“We examine carefully and fairly the many diverse communities that comprise Los Angeles,” Coffey said. “We understand that one faction or another may not always be pleased with the results, but we will continue to examine all aspects of our complex city.”
