
Computers to Be Donated to Cerebral Palsy Center

Clients of the Cerebral Palsy Westside Activities Center, which in June was robbed of specially outfitted computers, will be able to get back to work today when new donated equipment is installed.

Terri Lantz, director of the center, said Wednesday that companies including Packard Bell, NEC and Computer Talk have donated two computers and specialized voice recognition and word prediction software that help those with cerebral palsy communicate.

She said many people donated computers after a Times story about the burglary, but that the new equipment is tailored to meet clients’ needs.


Lantz said 17-year-old Lindsay Berkovitz, who has cerebral palsy, also will donate a personal computer. Lindsay’s father, Bill Berkovitz, was instrumental in getting the corporate donations, Lantz said.

“It just renews your faith,” Lantz said of the donations. “It makes you know there are other people who are caring, good people out there.”

Clients will test the new computers this afternoon after an informal presentation marking the installation, a spokesman for Packard Bell said.
