
Why Leave It to Others?

I am a retired person who has been involved in condominium associations’ affairs for many years.

The article headlined “Tips for Keeping Tabs on Condo Managers” (July 13) is very valuable, especially the part encouraging homeowners to participate. The best way to avoid fraud is to have a sense of what is going on.

Most homeowners do not attend the association’s regular meetings. I cannot understand this. If you buy a car, which is about 10% of the value of your property, you take good care of it. How come you do not care what happens to the investment that is your home?


When tough decisions are made regarding your property, like painting the outside or fixing the roof, which require thousands of dollars, the great majority of homeowners do not take part in it.

Only when they realize that a special assessment is imposed or that the reserves of the association are down do they react and, of course, it is too late--damage is done. To reverse the damage, it may take thousands of dollars, time and plummeted property values.


