
Handgun Ban Bound to Backfire

The Ventura City Council will soon vote on supporting a state measure to ban sale, import or making of small, lower-cost or “non-sporting” handguns.

First, note how, even though this affects 2nd Amendment rights, no word of hearing local citizens--so much for democracy.

Second, the 2nd Amendment says nothing about “sporting.”

Then, note how class warfare is involved: The poor can only buy lower-cost guns for protection.


As for criminals’ preference for said guns: A past Department of Justice study (without “cooked” statistics) found such guns were not popular.

Then, too, what happened to the “great menace” of plastic “stealth” pistols or the so-called “assault weapons.” Or are all these just various tunes played to disarm the American people? Why?

And if these gun restrictions don’t help (as the others have not), can we just expect more of the same?


Punish predators, promote values and support the family--that is the way to cut crime. Not disarm the people with lies.


Santa Paula
