
Selecting the Right Career Counselor

* As a longtime career counselor and trainer, I can say that the problems of the career counseling clients mentioned in “Backlash Hits Job-Hunting Companies” (July 27) were certainly real. Changing careers and/or jobs is no easy thing, even if the unemployment rate is down.

I also have understanding for the “career counselors.” There are clients who do not do everything necessary to get a job. The job search process and the labor market have changed dramatically over the past few years, and many job seekers find the task daunting to say the least.

Not mentioned in the article are those of us who address the individual needs of our clients, who do not “charge thousands of dollars upfront,” and promise to do only what we can do--and then do it.


I am convinced that we are in the majority and encourage job seekers to seek us out, check our credentials and call our references. Be very clear about the services you expect to receive and the agreements you make. Then forge a partnership with your career counselor in which both of you are accountable.


Huntington Beach
