
Strange Sounds Over the Dodger Airwaves

In reply to Dick Pittenger (Viewpoint, July 26), I would never tune out Ross Porter, who is enthusiastic, enlightening and professional in his play-by-play and postgame shows. Rather, it is the droning commentary of Rick Monday, whose abuse of the English language in terms of non sequiturs, dangling participles, improper syntax and questionable pronunciation that offends me. Then, on the postgame shows, he becomes almost as surly, confrontational and pompous as his colleague, Geoff Witcher. I wish that some of Vin Scully’s class, wit and wisdom would rub off on these two.


West Hills


Regarding Dick Pittenger’s letter about Ross Porter and the Dodger radio broadcasts, I have this to say: Amen, brother! I don’t have much of a problem with the stats; my problem lies in the fact that Ross sounds as if he has marbles in his mouth. Someone please tell him the Dodger right fielder’s name is Ra-ul, not Rawl. And don’t you sometimes feel as if you are listening to Lawrence Welk when Rick Monday is on the mike? One-and-a-two-and-a-three. Please, Rick, the third baseman’s name is Todd Zeile, not Todd-a Zeile.


Morro Bay
