
Free First-Aid Seminar Offered

The Westlake Village Disaster Response Team will offer a free seminar today on administering first aid to people with diseases transmitted through contact with blood, such as hepatitis and HIV.

The team’s four-hour workshop, which is open to the public, will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at City Hall, 4347 Park Terrace Drive.

A nurse and three of the team’s emergency medical technicians will conduct the class, teaching proper precautions to be taken when a victim is bleeding.


The city-sponsored disaster response team was formed in 1994 following the Northridge earthquake. It is composed of volunteers trained in emergency response techniques who serve as a backup communication system for the city and aid emergency crews in a disaster.

The class is the first the team has offered in this type of first-aid techniques. It is one in a series of discussions designed to educate the community on what to do in an emergency.
