
Wrap HappySuddenly, wraps are in. In fact,...

Wrap Happy

Suddenly, wraps are in. In fact, the very word “wrap” is in--it sounds breezy and knowing, like saying “ ‘que” instead of “barbecue.”

So we’re pleased by the way everybody’s been getting into the swing (pardon us; we meant “getting with the program”). We’ve just noticed that the Grand Central Market downtown is advertising Tortilla Wraps. Good work! They sound thunderously more exciting than burritos!

And this is only the beginning. Felafel joints should sell pita wraps. Thai and Vietnamese restaurants can advertise lettuce leaf wraps. And sushi bars ought to be promoting seaweed wraps.


While we’re up, why not call tacos “folds”? Or dim sum “pinches”? And when you get down to it, isn’t a pizza really just an open-face wrap?

Hold on, we think we’ve struck gold with that one, because you can take a pizza slice and roll it up. We’re out of here, babe--look for our pizza chain, Wrap and Roll. (Rich! We’re going to be rich!)

Forinters, Beware

As you may have heard, a Budapest restaurant was closed May 20 so authorities could look into an accusation that it had charged four people a million forints for dinner and drinks. (A million forints is about $3,000.)


The U.S. Embassy had been warning that some Budapest cafes and nightclubs were overcharging and using strong-arm tactics on customers. It had not mentioned this particular restaurant, Dreher Halaszcsarda. The victims in this case were two male Danish tourists and their female companions.

The restaurant was ordered closed for 90 days. But if found guilty, under Hungarian law the most it could be fined is 30,000 forints, or about $176.
