
Curt Pringle Is Misinformed

* Regarding Assemblyman Curt Pringle’s June 1 letter, “Special Districts Bill Misjudged”:

Pringle does not have the facts right about the important role of special districts.

If the citizens of a city or a special district are satisfied, why is he forcing his bill down their throats?

The Government Improvement Study referenced by Pringle suggested consolidation only for those districts paying for the study and when it was cost effective. If a special district is efficient why eliminate it?

Pringle tells the citizens of Orange County that they are not well enough informed to make their own decision. Therefore do we need Sacramento to tell us how to live our lives?



Costa Mesa

* Curt Pringle is apparently misinformed regarding the willingness of special districts to initiate consolidation proceedings. Two major “wholesale” agencies serving water to Orange County’s retail water agencies have filed alternative consolidation proposals.

Additionally, retail water districts serving areas of south Orange County have initiated studies of the complex issues involved in potential consolidations. All of these will come before the Local Agency Formation Commission, made up of local city, county, special district and public representatives, for due process and resolution.

Contrary to Pringle’s apparent belief, there is no magic wand that can untangle complex engineering, management, finance, governance and political issues that are involved, particularly at the retail level. In some cases, there may be no public benefit to be gained, especially where local voters want to maintain local control over their water agency.


There are issues that face Orange County water agencies that require a unified, proactive effort to ensure the continued reliable delivery of high-quality water that underpins the economy and lifestyle that we enjoy. We agree with Supervisor Charles V. Smith that these are not issues best dictated from Sacramento, but must be left to the “parochial interests” who will be most affected by the consequences.



Municipal Water District

of Orange County
