
Food Games

What is happening to The Times? First the student assembly food tossing at Beckford Avenue Elementary School (“Student Assembly No Picnic for Teachers,” May 31), and now this. The picture on the front page of the Sunday issue was really in bad taste (“Assault and Bakery,” June 8). Not only was the act of hitting the officer in the face with a cake juvenile, it was in no way humorous. The idea of a block party was great, but publishing a picture of this type on the front page was really tacky.


Studio City

* I was outraged after reading about the “reward” assembly held at Beckford Avenue Elementary School.

In a time of homelessness, hunger, social and moral decay, to reward children by encouraging them to debase their teachers with food, and then to watch these educators participate in a food fight and “condiment” wrestling is ludicrous.


Is this the value we place on education? Is this part of the educational curriculum that we, the taxpayers, will accept?


Ninth Grade, Notre Dame

High School

Valley Village
