
Right Start’s Results Head the Wrong Way

The Right Start in Westlake Village reported a net loss of $1.97 million, or 23 cents per share, for the first quarter ended May 3.

The year-ago loss was $554,000, or 8 cents per share.

The company opened one store during the quarter, bringing the total to 38, double the number it had a year ago.

The Right Start, which specializes in high-end products for infants and children, last year announced a change in its fiscal year end to the Saturday closest to Jan. 31 from the Saturday closest to May 31.


Sales for the first quarter totaled $9.93 million, versus $10.82 million for the quarter ended May 4, 1996. Included in this year’s results are retail sales of $7.41 million and catalog sales of $2.52 million, compared with retail sales of $5.21 million and catalog sales of $5.61 million a year ago.
