
Small-Business Owner Gets Advocate Honor

Flip Smith, owner of Flip’s Tire Center Inc. and head of the Sepulveda/Van Nuys Boulevard Business Watch, was recognized Friday with a state Small Business Advocate of the Year award.

The California Chamber of Commerce honored Smith in Sacramento in April. On Friday, state Assemblymen Tony Cardenas, Bob Hertzberg and Tom McClintock saluted Smith at the Small Business Awards at the Airtel Plaza Hotel in Van Nuys.

“Over the years, aggressive lobbying efforts by small businesses have led to workers’ compensation reform, incentives for job producers and less red tape for business operations,” California Chamber chairman Thomas McKernan said. “It’s essential that we continue to advocate on the local, state and federal levels for public policy that makes sense for California’s business climate.”


In addition to running his tire store and the Business Watch, Smith is president of the Mid-Valley Chamber of Commerce and serves on the Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley and the Mid-Community Police Council board.

Nancy Hoffman, a spokeswoman for the Mid-Valley Chamber, recalled having to come up with a reason to get Smith to fly to Sacramento to receive the award, which was supposed to be a surprise.

“I told him there was going to be some big vote in the Legislature,” she said. “Even sitting around the table [during the award presentation], he kept saying, ‘There’s no way I could have won this thing. You have to be more political than I am.’ And then his name was called.


“What he does exemplifies what a small-business owner needs to do. He does it from the heart.”
