Habitat on the Edge - Los Angeles Times

Habitat on the Edge

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expects 18 million acres of fish and wildlife habitat to be protected on private lands by the end of the year under habitat-conservation plans. A look at the 20 largest plans, their location and species affected:

1. State of Washington, 1.6 million acres specified in management plan for state’s 2.1 million acres of forestry lands; northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, salmon, steelhead, trout.

2. Balcones Canyonlands, Travis County, Texas, 633,000 acres; golden-cheeked warbler, black-capped vireo, borianthos plant, cave bugs.


3. Riverside County, Calif., 540,000 acres; Stephens’ kangaroo rat.

4. Clark County, Nev., and Southern California, 525,000 acres; desert tortoise.

5. Simpson Timber Co., Northern California, 300,000 acres; northern spotted owl.

6. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, North Carolina, working with U.S. Army Fort Bragg, six neighboring counties and private land owners, 300,000 acres; red-cockaded woodpecker.

7. Metropolitan Bakersfield, Calif., 262,000 acres; San Joaquin kit fox, blunk-nosed leopard lizard, Tipton kangaroo rat, Bakersfield cactus, San Joaquin wooly-threads.

8. Potlach Corp., Arkansas, 233,000 acres; red-cockaded woodpecker.

9. Weyerhaeuser Co., Coos Bay, Ore., 210,000 acres; northern spotted owl.

10. Orange County, Calif., 200,000 acres; California gnatcatcher, Southern arroyo toad, American peregrine falcon.


11. State of Massachusetts, coastal counties, 200 coastal miles; piping plover.

12. Plum Creek Timber Co., Kittitas County, Wash., 170,000 acres; northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, grizzly bear, gray wolf.

13. Oregon Department of Forestry, Elliott State Forest, 94,000 acres; American bald eagle, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet.

14. Coachella Valley, Riverside County, Calif., 70,000 acres, Coachella Valley fringe-toad lizard.


15. Gulf Coast Prairies Safe Harbor, Southern Texas, 64,000 acres; brown pelican, prairie chicken.

16. Alpomado Falcon Safe Harbor, Texas Gulf Coast, 64,000 acres; alpomado falcon.

17. Murray Pacific Corp., Lewis County, Wash., 55,000 acres; northern spotted owl.

18. Volusia County, Fla., 50,000 acres; nesting sea turtles.

19. Weyerhaeuser Co., Arkansas, Oklahoma, 40,000 acres; American burying beetle.

20. Arco Western Energy, Kern County, Calif., 31,360 acres; San Joaquin kit fox, blunk-nosed leopard lizard, Tipton kangaroo rat, Glant kangaroo rat.
