
Public Has Chance to View River Trail Plans

The final public workshop for the long-anticipated Ventura River Trail will be held next Thursday.

The Ventura River Trail is designed for bicyclists, pedestrians and equestrians. At the workshop, interested citizens will be able to view, comment on and discuss the design plans.

The trail will be the final link in a longer bike route running from the mountains in Ojai to the sea at the mouth of the Ventura River. It will connect the coastal Omer Rains Trail and the Ojai Valley Trail.


The route starts at Main Street in Ventura and ends at Ojai Valley’s Foster Park. It will be six miles long, and will run along the Ventura River corridor.

The trail will cost about $2.5 million. Funding has flowed from private sources, federal and state funds and city money.

City officials say the trail should be completed by May 1998.

The workshop will be held in the community meeting room at City Hall, 501 Poli St. For more information, call project manager Tim Bochum at 654-7743.
