
Samm Sinclair Baker; Writer of Self-Help Books

Samm Sinclair Baker, 87, writer of 30 self-help books on subjects from diets to gardening. Baker’s greatest success was the best-selling “The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet” with the late Dr. Herman Tarnower in 1979. Baker also wrote four books with Dr. Irwin M. Stillman: “The Doctor’s Quick Weight Loss Diet,” “The Doctor’s Quick Inches-Off Diet,” “The Doctor’s Quick Teen-Age Diet” and “Dr. Stillman’s 14-Day Shape-Up Program.” Baker also co-authored such books as “The Mystery Writer’s Handbook,” “Miracle Gardening Encyclopedia” and “How to Be an Optimist and Make It Pay.” A native of Paterson, N.J., Baker earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He began his career as an advertising copywriter and later an executive. On March 5 in Port Chester, N.Y., of complications after a stroke.
