
Women Prosecutors League Backs Hahn Reelection Bid

Los Angeles City Atty. James K. Hahn on Monday collected the endorsement of the League of Women Prosecutors, a countywide group representing lawyers in various government agencies.

After a dinner in which Hahn and his opponent in the April 8 election, Encino lawyer-developer Ted Stein, met with the group, the female attorneys cast ballots by mail for the endorsement, with Hahn garnering 82% of the votes.

The group has about 130 members--60% deputy district attorneys, 30% lawyers who work in Hahn’s office and 10% from other prosecutorial agencies in Los Angeles County.


Only about 40 members voted on the endorsement, however, and about 39% of the voters were Hahn’s deputies, according to Diane M. Teran, a deputy district attorney who heads the political endorsement committee.
